Embark on the Lentivirus Galaxy

Aaah... Lentiviruses, those mysterious viral agents.

Did you know that they are capable of transmitting genes into human cells? Opening the way to extraordinary medical advances!

At Flash Therapeutics, all our experts are passionate about these little vectors and their incredible capabilities.

Are you ready to explore the captivating depths of this microscopic realm? The biological revolution begins here. The promise of exciting discoveries awaits you!




Embark on the lentivirus galaxy

Recoding life, improving health

It all began in 2005, when a group of brilliant scientists founded Vectalys, which later became Flash Therapeutics. Drawing on their experience as biotechnology researchers, the company quickly became a leader in the production of research-grade lentiviral vectors. The passion and ambition of our scientific experts have made Vectalys a trusted player in the field of gene and cell therapy. Each project has always been considered of great importance and requiring special attention. But for such gifted minds, this was no longer enough. Research alone is too easy.

Vectalys became Flash Therapeutics with the determination to go further in the treatment of diseases. Driven by the ambition to accompany their customers through the clinical phases, the experts at Flash Therapeutics were able to imagine the company's new lines. They quickly developed new offers to meet customers' needs.


"Our aspirations reach for the stars, as we strive to defeat rare diseases and cancers using the cutting-edge tools of gene and cell therapies. In our unwavering dedication, we not only produce the best vectors, but also contribute to the discovery of new technologies for new therapeutic pathways. Together, we are shaping a future where the limits of the possible are pushed beyond horizons, where diseases are just chapters in history, and where the health of generations to come represents our greatest success."

What an extraordinary ambition !

Scientific team

Reinventing medecine together


It is at the Langlade site, within the Flash Academy Workforce, that the SIS (Scientific Intelligence Service) deploys its mastery of lentiviral vectors. The teams we have built up reflect our commitment. The training courses offered by the Flash Academy foster innovation and knowledge. In this field, excellence is not just a choice, it's an unshakeable oath.

With unwavering determination, our scientists are paving the way for a new era in medicine. Their passion knows no bounds: above all, they are researchers.

True super experts.

Nothing's impossible

To complete their missions, the Flash Academy experts have at their disposal the 2 best agents in the Lentivirus Galaxy. Between them, they can do it all: experts in aircraft piloting, virtuosos in rocket steering, masters in the art of transduction on cells as varied as NK and iPS. Like a harmony between space and biology, they blend into each environment, adapting to it with ease, and their transduction rates soar to an incredible 100% success rate. With the expertise of the Flash Academy, no job is too daunting, no matter how complex. Systematic support and optimization guide them to their goal.

Meet Leni and Irina, the DNA and RNA gene delivery agents.

Facing the challenge for a better world

At Flash Therapeutics, we know that demand for gene and cell therapy is growing, and that it's difficult to find the right partners.
With this in mind, we are focusing all our efforts on broadening our horizons and enriching our offerings. A world of possibilities is unfolding before us to take every project to the clinical phase and beyond.

From the Petri dish to the patient's bedside, we accompany each project in its development: vector design with plasmids construction, vector purification, fill & finish... Our commitment is not only to advancing science, but also to shaping a future where therapies that were once the stuff of dreams become tangible realities.

So, buckle up for the journey of a lifetime. Together, we're transforming the impossible. It's not just an invitation, but an invocation, a call to join us on this revolutionary odyssey. Let's ride this wave of transformation, armed with innovation, and make history together.
At Flash Therapeutics, the future is not just a destination, it's an adventure waiting to be lived.

Let's Go Lentiviral !