Expertise in lentiviral vector production since 2005 

Using its own proprietary technology, Flash Therapeutics provides highly purified and concentrated lentiviral vectors that efficiently transfer genetic material into all types of cells without altering cell phenotype and viability for R&D and GMP grades. 

About us dyptiques

Our experts for your project success

Along with providing high quality lentiviral vector products, Flash Therapeutics offers its expertise and support to clients in areas such as project management, scientific design, bioinformatics, cell analyses, and regulatory questions. 
According to their needs, clients may tailor Flash Therapeutics level of project intervention, from simply delivering lentiviral vector products to complete client support

Depending on your application, Flash Therapeutics provides both integrative lentiviral vectors and non-integrative FlashRNA® particles.

Flash Therapeutics provides integrative lentiviral vectors for gene therapy and immunotherapy. A cutting-edge technology, derived from lentiviral vectors but non integrative is named FlashRNA® (formerly LentiFlash®) and has been specifically developped for regenerative medicine, gene editing and vaccination / immunotherapy studies

A unique patented purification process

Through a patented process in serum and antibiotic free culture conditions, followed by several steps of concentration and purification, Flash Therapeutics provides lentiviral vector suspensions that are up to 99% free of protein and DNA impurities.

The purification process used by Flash Therapeutics guarantees :

  • Conservation of phenotypic profile of the transduced cells 
  • Cell responses strictly related to the transgene expression 

Flash Therapeutics offers two qualities of vector, to answer different needs, depending on your applications or your project phase/status :

  • Start quality (>107 IG/ml)
  • Premium quality (>109 IG/ml)

Our production and purification methods ensure efficient transfert of genetic material into delicate or hard-to-transfect cells thanks to highly purified lentiviral vector products.

A robust and strong titration method

Flash Therapeutic provides lentiviral vectors titer in IG/ml, which represents the true count of functional particles
Many of our competitors do not provide titers in IG/ml units but the full count of physical particles (PP), which includes damaged, empty particles and free p24 proteins as shown below.

Titration method

During the production of viral vectors, functional and non functional particles are produced. A functional and complete particle is called a transduction unit, it is quantified by a robust qPCR method, in Integrated Genome units (IG). 

Physical Particles (PP) represent non functional and functional particles, it is quantified by a p24 ELISA assay but it does not allow a precise and reproducible transduction of the target cells.
The PP/IG ratio is a good measure of the quality of the vector produced. Flash Therapeutics offers high quality vectors with a PP/IG ratio decreasing as we progress through our production process and purification steps.
To increase the ratio of functional particles, it is essential to reduce the production of PP in the viral supernatants. Having a reliable and discriminating titration method for the different types of particles is also a key point that Flash Therapeutics offers. 

Contact Antoinette to design your project

Antoinette Crooke

Antoinette Crooke - Global Account Manager

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Feel free to contact her to design your project


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